Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Gun Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 2

Gun Control - Essay Example There are several points and reasoning about the article that needs to be straightened out. The most disturbing is the justification that calling for gun control is not about the Second Amendment. They are already contradiction in terms and yet it was still used as a justification. The second fallacious argument that was used that also needs to be refuted is the argument that of U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan during the assembly of marchers that "This is about gun responsibility; this is about gun safety; this is about fewer dead Americans, fewer dead children" (Martinez and Scmidt) while it is being hinged on the premise that "More guns? More violence" and "Hey La Pierre. How about this? Keep the Bad guy from even getting a gun!" (in respose to NRA CEO Wayne Lapierre statement as "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun") (Martinez and Scmidt). Gun control was being called upon in the demonstration as the solution to end violence because it is t hought of as tool of violence, it being a weapon that can indeed harm, mutilate and even kill an individual. The advocates and marchers of this solution posit that if the tools or weapons that were used in those crimes and incidence of violence did not become available, then violence will be reduced. While this may seem to be a plausible solution to reducing violence, gun control may pose a problem of infringing on our basic rights as Americans to bear arms as stated in the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights contained in the Constitution of the United States of America which was negated during the march for gun control by saying that it was not about the Second Amendment. It is because the moment that gun control is cited, it already an attempt to abridge a right that is guaranteed in the Second Amendment is disturbing. If one will subscribe to the reasoning of the advocates of gun control, it was as if gun ownership is equated to evil and that it does not do anything good excep t perpetuate violence. Under this unreasonable onslaught, it would be important to cite how guns played in the creation of America to refute the argument that it evil and that the people we esteemed in history were in fact gun owners. Those who crafted our Constitution and laid the foundation of this country were even said to be gun aficionados. The venerable George Washington, the first President of this Republic was even a general who had guns and men under his command. And he was never accused of violence neither was there a slightest instance that those guns were used to inflict violence and unnecessary force. Those guns that he had were instead and in fact used to liberate and unite this country from the invading forces until our country became what it is today. Without guns, our country would still have been under British rule because we had no weapons to fight and repeal them. And George Washington is not an exception to those who owned a gun that never had the slightest semb lance of violence. Most founding fathers of this country were bearer of arms and almost every major historical event in this country that led to what it is today also involved guns. Imagine the Alamo when its defenders are without guns or Abraham Lincoln struggle to end slavery when his army did not have the firearms to assert his political will to end slavery against the

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