Sunday, March 15, 2020

Apush Era of Jackson Essay

Apush Era of Jackson Essay Apush: Era of Jackson Essay 1828 Election: Jackson defeats John Quincy Adams despite Jackson’s large speculation and scandals. Jackson’s appeal to the poor non-aristocratic citizens gained him his sweeping victory. Martin Van Buren: Jackson’s Secretary of State first term and Vice President Jackson’s second term who also hopes to be Jackson’s successor and has a tense rivalry with Calhoun. John C. Calhoun: Vice President in Jackson’s first term and opposes Van Buren and hopes to win him over in the next election. From South Carolina, and determined to preserve southern interests and ideals such as slavery and anti-industrialism. Peggy Eaton Affair: Jackson dislikes John Eaton’s wife as she married Senator Eaton shortly before his appointment to Secretary of War. Much hard feeling eventually caused her to withdraw from Washington. Maysville Road Bill 1830: The government is authorized to buy stock in road construction in Maysville, Kentucky to Lexington. How ever Jackson vetoes the bill on the grounds that it is unconstitutional. Many see this as an abuse of power. National Road: Jackson supports and shows limited federal support for transportation movements that are not at a national level. The Tariff of 1828: â€Å"The tariff of abominations† largely opposed to the new tariff as it makes it harder for Britain, France, and other European countries to buy southern, especially South Carolina. South Carolina Exposition and Protest: by John Calhoun opposing Jackson’s new tariff of 1828. Nullification: Calhoun’s theory that states can repeal a federal law and declare it unconstitutional. According to Calhoun, the government could decide to void the law or propose an amendment. Tariffs for protection were considered unconstitutional. Webster-Hayne Debate: Hayne argued that the federal government cannot limit state rights, while Daniel Webster claimed that a country cannot by unified unless all laws are equally enfor ced. Tariff of 1832: Jackson calms nullifiers in South Carolina by reducing tariffs on goods with less competition. South Carolina Ordinance: South Carolinians worried that the tariffs could end slavery and repudiated the Acts of 1828 and 1832. Force Bill: Jackson’s use of the army to enforce the state’s agreement to federal law after he attempted asking congress to lower the tariffs. Eventually both sides agreed to significantly reducing the tariffs by 1842. 1830 Indian Removal Act: Indians are given federal land in the west in exchange for their territories mainly in the Midwest and southeast regions. Black Hawk War 1832: War erupted in Wisconsin/Illinois territory when the Illinois militia forcefully and brutally, killing many, pushed the Sauk and Fox northwest. 1835 Seminole War: The Seminoles and Cherokees in the south fought a guerilla war against the federal removal policy. Most eventually moved west. The Trail of Tears: used by 17,000 Cherokees, this 800 -mile trail with cruelty of soldiers and private owners. 4,000 died on the brutal journey and only 8,000 completed the trip to Oklahoma. Cherokee Nation v. Georgia: The supreme court rules that it does not have the jurisdiction to determine who owns the land of northern Georgia containing newly discovered gold deposits. The judge did say that the

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